No One Cares Anymore


1 min ago (23 Jun @ 03:58)


No One Cares Anymore No One Cares Anymore


I was at a high school graduation this past weekend for a family member.  I started a conversation with someone in the family that is not a nurse or a direct care provider but has worked for many years in the business office of a prestigious hospital in New Hampshire.  Again, she does not work in direct patient care.  However her impression is the same as I have heard many say recently about the way they are treated.
What she said was that no one cares about them anymore.  She went on to say that there was a time when she felt valued by the administrators, but not anymore.  All that they care about is the money.  It has become a business and the employees are no longer valued. l
Soon after this conversation, another family member joined us.  She works for and has worked for another prestigious hospital that is also associated with an Ivy League college in Connecticut for almost twenty years.  She is not a nurse, but works in direct patient care as a respiratory therapist.  Guess what she had to say.
What she said was almost verbatim what the other person had just said.  She said that there was a time when she felt important and valued in what she does.  Over the past few years it has changed and the feeling is that no one care about the staff.  It is all about money.  Get it done quickly and go on to the next patient so they can bill for that service.  It is a business and money is what it is all about.

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